August 8, 2012

A couple of things...
First of all, I am taking a Zero day tomorrow, my legs hurt a fair amount from the mountains we climbed today (Lion's Head, Bear, and Everett). We (Lightbrite, Listen, and I) slacked 21 miles from Salisbury to Great Barrington (yes, this is a northerly route, but the hostel owner here makes it easier by allowing us to hike back to where our stuff is).
Secondly, My brother's cell phone keeps track of where we are on the trail using Google Latitude. Thus saying, since my brother is no longer on the trail and I do not have his cell phone, the map will not be very accurate. Therefor, if the map says we are in Virginia or some such ridiculous place, then do not trust it.
Third and last, Pizza at Manhattan Pizza in Great Barrington MA is absolutely wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, something for Andy to do while down -
