June 14, 2012

Andy and I made it to Monson. 100 Mile Wilderness is over with! we've decided that more food would not be a bad thing if we can manage it. Sending a bunch of stuff home to lighten our packs. Met some awesome people along the trail and in Monson. Taking at least one 0 day. We stopped off at Hiker's Haven (a re-opened stop near the end of the wilderness going SOBO) and had some absolutely phenomenal burgers. If you hike, I say stop there. We are staying at the Lakeshore House/Pub while resting. (www.thelakeshorehouse.com) Its nice and cozy with a largeish town not too far away with some extra things we can do. Food is delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're making progress!

    Andy should have one of these prepared for your next stop:
